Welcome to WAGMI Miami:
Your Gateway to the Future of DeFi and Blockchain

WAGMI Miami is not just an event; it's a transformative experience. Dive deep into decentralized finance and blockchain technology with confidence and clarity. At WAGMI Miami, we guide you from being a curious onlooker to a confident pioneer in the crypto space.


At WAGMI Miami, our mission is clear and bold: to build a thriving community, cultivate deep knowledge, and create unforgettable experiences within the DeFi and Blockchain industry. We are dedicated to helping you leap into the future of digital finance with extreme confidence, unrivalled knowledge, and unwavering support.

Join us at WAGMI Miami and be part of a mission that’s bigger than any one individual. Together, we’re building the future of finance, one connection, one insight, and one experience at a time. Because here at WAGMI Miami, we’re all gonna make it.


Knowledge is power, especially in the rapidly changing landscape of decentralized finance and blockchain technology. At WAGMI Miami, we are passionate about demystifying the industry's complexities.

Our mission is to provide you with cutting-edge information, expert insights, and practical skills that empower you to make informed decisions. From understanding the basics to mastering advanced concepts, our comprehensive programs are tailored to meet you where you are and elevate your expertise.


We believe in the transformative power of experiences. WAGMI Miami events are meticulously crafted to be more than just conferences—they are immersive journeys that inspire, educate, and excite. Our mission is to create environments where learning is fun, interactive, and deeply engaging.

From keynote speeches by industry giants to hands-on workshops and networking sessions, we ensure every moment at WAGMI Miami is an opportunity for growth and discovery.


We are not just participating in the crypto revolution but shaping its future. WAGMI Miami is at the forefront of driving innovation and adoption in the blockchain and DeFi space.

Our mission is to be the compass that guides you through this digital frontier, helping you harness its potential to achieve your dreams. Together, we are pioneers in an exciting new era, transforming challenges into opportunities and possibilities into reality..